Earth Ponies are one of the three main races of Ponies found on Equus, in particular Equestria. Members of this race include but aren't limited to: Applejack, Cheese Sandwich, and Doctor Whooves.
Earth Ponies are mainly considered the "basis" of the pony race, not holding a horn like a Unicorn, or wings like a Pegasus. Many of their appearances, much like the other races, are highly varied between individual. They're shown as the least magically-connected compared to the other races, some Earth Ponies even revolving their time more into science than into magic as seen with Doctor Whooves. Before the founding of Equestria, Earth Ponies were mainly targeted for bribary by Pegasi and Unicorns, threatening the weather and days unless they gave them food.
While not having the ability to fly or use spells, they make up for it in strength, which is the strongest of the three main races. Earth Ponies are shown to be extremely powerful on multiple ocassions within the series, including Maud Pie hurling a boulder across a pond and causing an explosion because of it.
The Earth Ponies are the most widely distributed species of Pony, and as such are the most adaptable when compared to the other two races due to their skill in agriculture and physical prowess. Despite them being called "Earth" ponies, most if not all Earth Ponies had never seen, nor heard of planet Earth.